BEXTON – Meboliv syrup (100ml)
- Diffuse diseases of the liver, infective, acute or chronic hepatitis, jaundice, enlarged or tally liver, liver cirrhosis etc.
- For quick recovery from an illness, anemia, malnutrition, inappetence, anorexia, debility and general weakness and to promote growth.
- To promote growth and body weight gain
- To protect and overcome the damaging effect of anthelmintic, antibiotics and other chemical drugs, environmental chemicals, food preservatives etc. On liver and wellness.
- For optimum liver function. digestion and metabolisation and glucose synthesis especially during 2 weeks pre and post whelping in bitches and cats to prevent energy deficit.
- As adjuvant in malnutrition specially protein malnutrition
- Cats, Pups and Small Dogs : 5 ml
- Dogs: 10 ml
- To be given orally once or twice daily for 10 – 15 das or more as required